CSI is the accredited laboratory from Euro NCAP for the safety performance evaluation of the vehicles; has the equipment and the know-how required for the active safety test execution in compliance with the reference standards.
CSI support the development of driver assistant electronic systems by testing in accordance with the current protocol and laws.
The main test activities are:
Thanks to the experience developed in the field of active safety testing, CSI is capable of supporting its clients even with virtual simulation of ADAS systems, modeling the whole vehicle in the context it is moving in, with the virtual duplication of the maneuvers, the driver interaction with what it is around (roads, road signals and other cars) and with the active system of the autonomous driving (sensors and actuators).
CSI is part of the working party Euro NCAP VTA - Crash avoidance & Automated driving which, starting from an analysis of the current scenario, has the aim to refining the simulation methodologies to get a better integration of the real world to the virtual one (ex: Vehicle in the Loop approach) with a focus on the sensors interface (object injection and real perception), to define clear methodologies of numerical-experimental correlation (roadmap 2025).