CSI has a semi-anechoic laboratory equipped with a 4-wheel drive roller bench where powertrain-induced vibrational analysis and vehicle occupant comfort analysis are carried out.
The road simulation laboratory, equipped with a 4-poster bench, allows CSI's technical teams to verify the behaviour of the vehicle, reproducing any road profile and verifying the durability of the vehicle itself by simulating journeys of over 100,000 km on different surfaces. These tests are supported by the possibility of performing the tests in different climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, solar radiation) to guarantee the quality of the product even after years of use.
In the CSI laboratories it is possible to carry out Squeak & Rattle tests to determine the noise level of new vehicle components and after several cycles of fatigue.
CSI has an 8-channel test bench where it is possible to carry out a complete investigation and validation of the technical solutions adopted for suspensions and suspension-chassis anchors. It is possible to reproduce fatigue cycles in x-y-z directions and simulate the effect of vehicle braking.
The facilities and know-how of the CSI technicians make it possible to perform modal analysis tests on complete vehicles or on subsystems and components. This type of analysis makes it possible to recognise and analyse the frequencies characteristic of even a complex system and to obtain the natural frequencies, the system's vibration modes and their damping values.