Data Acquisition

CSI has developed internally and presented to the market in 2010 an innovated system of telematic acquisition of behavioral data of test vehicles. This system is capable to gather all the information present in the electronic systems in the vehicle and to archive them automatically in a structured database and accelerating the diagnosis process of the anomalies.

The service offered by RE.VE.A.L©  software (REal-time VEhicle Analysis and Localization) represents today an innovative fleet management dedicate of all durability test, EOBD validation and reliability growth,  that is possible to customize to every need of remote survey of behavioral parameters of vehicles and products.

Specialized technical team is capable to supply the first level diagnostic analysis though reports customized on customer’s needs.

The control room service reenacts the test dynamics, including the boundary conditions and the geolocation information. 

The immediate accessibility, the data correlation and the information of the control ECU, the organized data base completeness are a toll of strategic knowledge to make more efficient and effective the validation and approval of on-going projects.

The main activities are:

  • Mapping and performance level definition of critical level of system and components
  • Defined performance evaluation in the project specifics
  • Immediate pre-diagnosis of the anomalies  
  • Accelerated diagnosis and problem-solving process optimization
  • Experimental verification support of components and electronic system in the development phase
  • Integration and conclusion of the experimental bench test on electric and electronic systems
  • Maintenance and predictive diagnosis.
The CAE service of CSI provides a full support to customers during all the vehicle development phases, from the Concept to the Homogolation/Self-Certification. CSI, known internationally as Euro NCAP laboratory and as a competence hub, with high experienced know-how and skills in the automotive field, offers its experience in the management of turn-key projects with a team of professionals assigned to the project. The BU Conformity Assessment of CSI offers certification, inspection, testing and training services specific for the Automotive Sector. The training courses done by IMQ Group are a reference point in the training and continuing education of professionals and companies technical personeel for years. The cyber security in the automotive field impacts the protection of all the important elements in the vehicle from the treats to the IT safety: a cyber security assessment is required to analyse all the dangers and evaluate risks linked to the exposure to internet of the connected-car.