Certification and verification services for the Automotive sector

CSI through its Automotive Business Unit is a European center of excellence in the field of vehicle testing with an integrated platform of services, skills and facilities that span the entire range of new product development, from validation and regulatory and/or voluntary compliance checks to the homologation services.

The Laboratories of the Automotive Division are part of the restricted Network of the European Association Euro NCAP (7 laboratories) operating for 20 years in the active and passive safety rating of new vehicles for the EU market. CSI is also a permanent member its Board together with the representative of the our country "Automobil Club Italia".

The range of engineering services covers the fields of active and passive safety, vibro-acoustics, development of engine performance (with particular attention to reducing emissions), vehicle dynamics, verification and qualification of mechanical and mechatronic systems and components, numerical simulation , validation of systems integration and related vehicle performance. CSI has experience in managing turn-key projects, from the experimental development plan to the certification and final approval phase.
CSI also operates widely in the field of transport safety, providing product certification services also in the field of road restraint systems, vertical signals and systems for the connectivity between vehicles and infrastructures.

CSI commitment is also aimed at participation in the technical working groups whose goal is to identify the safety performance requirements for the vehicles of the future, developing test protocols for the most advanced passive safety systems (frontal crash tests and side in various configurations) and active safety (ADAS - Advance Driver Assistance Systems).